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your healing starts here




5 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

November 21, 20234 min read


AHHH…. yes…. This can’t be the first time you have heard about drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning. This is a very old Ayurvedic tradition that has stuck around due to its wonderful health benefits. Lemons have some of the hight levels of vitamin C, something that as a society we tend to have a deficiency in. Citrus acids stimulate gastric juices, like liver bile, which help us break down our food efficiently and effectively. They don’t just kick start our digestion but they help us maintain healthy blood sugar levels too. It is important to make sure your water is warm, not hot, as that can kill off these amazing and beneficial enzymes.


Gaining immense popularity this year…. the wonderful world of adaptogens! These are plant allies that help keep homeostasis in the body by regulating the stress response and the circadian rhythm by way of the HPA (hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal) axis. So what does this mean? They help keep us from freaking out and raising our cortisol levels when we are in stressful situations. Think fight or flight response. When we are in this state for too long it lowers our immune system but reeking havoc on our nervous system. Adaptogens, when taken daily, help keep this from happening. There are many supplements out on the market now but keep in mind that consuming them in their natural state is always best. You can do this through teas, infusions, food, and tinctures. Some adaptogenic plants are: ashwagandha, rhodiola, astragalus, and ginseng.


Get outside, breath in the fresh air and move your body! There are so many reasons why going for walks outside boost your immune system. One reason is the incredible amount of living bacteria in the air that you breath in. We are made out of the earth and breathing it back into our body helps our immune response by feeding the micro-biome, think of it as a free pre and pro biotic. By moving the body you are also getting the blood pumping which forces rich oxygenated blood to move, cleansing the organs of old stale blood. Another major benefit of walking is getting the lymphatic system moving. Our lymphatic system is the largest circulatory system in the body but unlike the cardiovascular system is has no pump. Exercise is a great way to activate this system, known as the sewer system of the body, which them helps it eliminate toxins.


Viruses can’t survive in hot environments. Hot baths or hot saunas force blood to the surface of the skin, cause you to sweat, and helps the bodies natural detoxification process. Daily hot baths are an extremely easy and practically free way to boost the immune system. Add in some epsom salts and magnesium flakes to help replenish the minerals you may sweat out. These are also a good way to help keep stress levels down as they are relaxing and usually some much needed time alone.


As mentioned in #3, the lymphatic system is key in having a strong immune system, however it needs assistance in doing its job. Because this system has no pump, it is crucial for us to do our part in assisting this system. While exercise is a great way to get this system moving lymphatic massage is the absolute best way. There are many videos on YouTube that will walk you through this process. It is also something you and a partner can do on each other.

Keeping a healthy immune system is a priority now more than ever! It’s incredibly important to make sure we are doing our part daily. It all comes back to keeping our stress level low and I feel that each point mentioned above does just that. Remember you are the only one in control of your health. I beg you to make it a priority before anything else. It’s the idea of, putting on your oxygen mask first! You aren’t going to be any help to anyone if you don’t put yourself first!

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Love & Light,


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