your healing starts here

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your healing starts here




Does YOUR Body Need Help Detoxing? I Know Mine Does!

November 21, 20235 min read

I feel there is a lot of miss information out there in the wellness world when it comes to the topic of detox. Today, I thought I would take some time to clear up a few things and also, share with you why I choose to participate in regular detoxification protocol.

The world “detoxification” is defined as “the process of removing toxic substances or qualities.” Our bodies are detoxing all the time via our detoxification pathways and organs i.e. our liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin. They do this on their own and in an ideal world, where we don’t live with over 300,000 toxic chemicals, they do a fine job at it. However, the issue today is that we do live in a extremely toxic world. From the water we drink, to the products we put on our skin, the air we breath, the cleaners we use, the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the candles we burn… this list could go on and on!

There is a concept, coined by Dr. Cabral, known as the Rain Barrel Effect. We are all born with decently empty rain barrels (it depends on the health of your parents at the time of conception.) However, as we move through life and are exposed to more and more toxins our rain barrel becomes more and more full. Our detoxification organs get congested and start having a difficult time keeping up. Our liver starts to struggle and these toxins are left flowing through our body. This can lead to weight gain, systemic inflammation, hormone imbalance, and digestive distress. If this continues on and our rain barrel keeps filling up, it will inevitably over flow which is when we can see chronic diseases like auto immune diseases, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, obesity, and more.

So when you hear people argue that our body is designed to detox itself and doesn’t need our assistance, remember that yes, it is designed that way. Our ancestors, even just 3 generations ago, didn’t need to detox the way we need to now. However, we unfortunately don’t live in that world anymore. The average women is exposed to over 70,000 toxins on a daily basis. Some toxins we have control over and can choose to omit from our lives but others are much harder.


If you’re new here and aren’t familiar with me and my story, here is a brief synopsis. I've always been a pretty health conscious person. I eat healthy, work out, practice mediation and mindfulness… you know the drill. Then around 2018 I started not feeling great, I gained some weight for no explainable reasons, I had horrible brain fog and fatigue but it wasn’t until my husband and I started trying to conceive that I realized something was really off. A year later I found out I had a major hormonal imbalance. When I say major - I mean major! All of my hormones were off the charts high. Something my doctor had never really seen before. As an herbalist, I started on a strict protocol but nothing seemed to be working. It was a really difficult time in my life. Then we decided we wanted to bring to life another dream of ours, a dream of owning a farm and growing our own food. At the end of 2020 we bought a 3 acre farm an hour outside the city and left the house we had rented for the last eight years. Shortly after moving, we found out that house had had toxic mold and asbestos in it. While this was totally heart breaking, it was also such a relief. I finally knew why my body wasn’t getting better. I was living in a toxic environment, the toxic environment that got me sick in the first place. You see, my rain barrel was getting very full and if I hadn’t moved, it was only a matter of time before it overflowed.

For the last year I have been on a healing journey of getting my body back in balance. My protocols finally started working, which is what I created my hormone balancing programs around. However, a big part of this journey has been detoxing. I use herbs like chlorella, milk thistle seed, curcumin, dandelion root, burdock root, nettle, and red clover, coffee enemas, sweating, and specific products designed by doctors to assist my body in eliminating all the toxins that built up over of the years. As I do these detox’s, I can tell my hormones are becoming more and more into balance through the way I feel, the lack of PMS symptoms I experience, and by reading my hormone panel results.

Does YOUR body need help detoxing? I’d say most likely it does.

I want you to remember though, YOUR body is beautifully and perfectly made. We just happen to live in a world that poisons it on a daily basis. It’s up to you, and only you, to take full responsibility for the health and well being of it. You only get this one beautiful body, so treat it like the temple it is!!

If you’re interested in chatting about how I can help you find balance, click the link here.

If you want to learn more about the latest detox I did that kick my butt, but left me feeling absolutely amazing. Check it out here.

Until next time… With all the love in the world,


detox protocolsdetoxification coffee enemaherbal detoxdetoxingdetox
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