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your healing starts here




Stress & The Power of Adaptogenic Herbs

November 21, 20234 min read

This life is stressful… whether you are going through a difficult season, a big change, perceived stress, physical stress to the body, or just dealing with every day life… this life is stressful. We are constantly being told we should do more, do it better, and do it faster. Sadly enough, hardly anyone out there is promoting rest and stillness. Even if there was, rest and stillness can be extremely difficult when we are constantly in a sympathetic nervous system response. However, we have been gifted with a class of herbs that offer us support in this area. Adaptogens are a group of herbs that support our stress response via our HPA Axis.

Our Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis is our central stress response system. It is made up of both the central nervous system along with the endocrine system. When we encounter a stress of some kind the hypothalamic releases CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone). When CRH binds to the CRH receptor on the pituitary gland it then releases ACTH (adrenocorticotropin hormone). This hormone then binds to the ACTH receptors on the adrenal glands which stimulates the adrenals to produce and release cortisol. This all happens in a matter of seconds and depending on how extreme the stressor was, cortisol can be released for several hours following the initial stressor.

Cortisol in and of itself is not bad. We need and use cortisol everyday to wake up and get out of bed. It’s the hormone that gets our engine started and its vital when we need to fight of flee. However, when we have high levels for long periods of time it can begin to wreck havoc on the body. High levels of cortisol, aka stress, has been proven to be the leading cause of many diseases in the body. It causes systemic inflammation which looks like aches and pains, chest pain and feeling of a racing heart, exhaustion yet insomnia, headaches, high blood pressure, stomach and digestive disorders, infertility, weak immune system, anxiety, depression, and even panic attacks.

This is where adaptogens come in. Adaptogenic herbs like ashwaganda, rhodiola, eleuthero, reishi and schisandra berries have a powerful effect on the HPA Axis. Scientific experiments have proven they actually have the ability to enhance the resistance of the human body against various external stimuli. According to the National Institute of Health,”Adaptogens can produce positive stress response and the associated hormone expression. Primary adaptogens strengthen the functioning of each systems, promote optimal response, promote recovery of function, and help regulate energy use by improving the function of neuroendocrine system and enhancing cellular energy transfer, which can make body utilize oxygen, glucose, lipids and proteins very effectively, thus providing us with a steady supply of energy.” They have the power and ability to not just bring our body back into homeostasis but to keep our body there. They give us the power to adapt to the stress of this life without it having a profound effect on us. They are gifts from this earth given to us for support!

The power of plants never cease to amaze me! Because of the way adaptogens work in the body they are needed to be consumed daily to have their proper effect. This can be done in the form of food, tea, infusion, tincture, or powder. It really just depends on the plant and part used. One of the things I love most about adaptogens is the amount of adaptogenic herbs there are and how each one has its own unique qualities aside from being an adaptogen. There are more stimulating ones like ginseng or rhodiola, or more relaxing ones like tulsi or ashwaganda. There are some more geared to the immune system like cordyceps or reishi, and ones that aid in gut health like licorice or liver health like schisandra berries. There truly is an adaptogenic herb for everyone.

Because I find adaptogens to be so important for overall health of the body, I have formulated supplement blend of adaptogens that I sell in my online shop. It’s called the Adapt Elixir and it has many of the plants we have discussed here today. If you are interested in picking up one for yourself you can do so by clicking here. It’s my honor and privilege to create herbal supplements that support the systems of your body. Thank you for supporting me, in supporting you!

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