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The Power Of Herbs & The Nervous System

March 19, 20244 min read


When looking at herbs to support our nervous system. We really have two classes to group them into. Ones to support us in building up resilience to stress, adaptogens. And ones to support us in moving from sympathetic to parasympathetic, nervines. Let’s start with breaking down adaptogens.


Adaptogenic herbs help the body “adapt” to stress, mainly by supporting the production of stress related neurotransmitters. Generally speaking, adaptogens help you feel less stressed while increasing energy levels. You may have heard them referred to as “trophorestorative,” which would be in reference to the fact that adaptogens can increase or decrease the function of any particular system based on what the body needs at any given time. Pretty dang incredibe, if you ask me! 

We use adaptogens for a range of conditions whenever stress is the underlying colporate. Which, surprise surprise, is pretty regularly. They are especially helpful when we feel exhausted mentally and physically from running on empty. Most support fertility, libido, reproduction, longevity, immune strength, and overall vitality. Depending on the herb some are stimulating while others are relaxing however most of them protect the body from toxins, decrease systemic inflammation, balance blood sugar levels, improve circulation, and improve digestion. They really support all of our daily and vital functions / systems of the body. 


Ginseng - This amazing herb truly supports the entire body. Consider this herb if you feel sluggish, lack vitality, are dealing with low libido or fertility issues, or have a slow immune system. It protects the liver from toxins, balances blood sugar levels, may aid in depression, and much more. 

Rhodiola - One of my personal favorites. It improves focus, memory, mental energy, and drive all while relieving brain fog and memory gaps due to stress. It works quickly which is a big bonus. It is a tonic and restorative herb which means it is very safe to use. You can find this herb in my Invigorate Tincture blend. 

Ashwagandha - While some may boast that this herb can give you the strength and vitality of a horse, it is also a nourishing herb that strengthens the nervous system, the adrenal glands, the thyroid, and immune system. It is also a great sleep aid due to its effects on the circadian rhythm. You can find this herb in my Adapt Elixir blend.

Tulsi - My plant bestie and a great protector! It improves immune health, fends off colds and other infections, strengthens digestion, balances blood sugar, quells chronic pain, and lifts the spirits. Some have called it yoga class in a cup, due to its ability to calm the nervous system. This is also found in my Adapt Elixir blend. 

Now let’s take a look at nervines. Nervines nourish and strengthen the nervous system by bringing it down a notch or two. They benefit a range of issues including: stress, anxiety, panic, insomnia, depression, and brain fog. They support a healthy and calm nervous system without being overly sedative. While you can drink them before bed to support good sleep, they are not going to make you “sleepy” which makes them helpful during the day. Allowing us to tackle our responsibilities with a calm and keen demeanor. 


Milky Oat Tops - Best used during times of extreme depletion and overstimulation. The special alkaloids in this herb relax and nourish your nerves while quelling agitation. They have also been known to ease the side effects of drug withdrawal from opioids, alcohol, nicotine, and coffee. 

Lemon Balm - Children and adults alike will find this herb useful for mild mood funks, anxiety, insomnia, nervous indigestion, restlessness, mental decline, and hyperactivity. It has been shown to improve cognition and mood with as little as one dose in one hour. 

Mimosa - Known as the “tree of collective happiness” this herb almost instantly lifts the spirits and calms the mood. It is appropriate for anxiety, depression, insomnia, grief, and emotional tension. 

Passionflower - This herb is incredibly powerful at calming the spiral thinking of the mind, known as monkey mind. It gently relaxes all systems of the body and brings relief to those dealing with insomnia, anxiety, agitation, and irritability. You can find this herbs in my Better Than Sleep Tincture blend. 

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